Monday, August 30, 2021

Clumsy Theosis - Courage, Dear Heart

Courage. Both a virtue and a gift from the Holy Spirit. Both intended to be inseparable by God. And both masterfully captured through three words in C.S. Lewis’ Narnia series; "Courage, dear heart." Richaél Lucero ties Lewis' work with scripture and Church teaching on courage in this episode. Listen as she demonstrates how the gift develops the virtue and their lasting effect.

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—This series. Listen to the rest of this series and share it with friends here.
—Show notes: Get all the scriptures, quotes, resources, episodes, and links mentioned in this episode here >>

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Friday, August 20, 2021

Clumsy Theosis - How to Develop Virtues: 3 Simple Steps

You can grow in virtue—and thus holiness—with three simple steps. Yes, you read that—only three steps. Listen as Richaél Lucero provides actionable and tactical tips to develop any virtue. Using the oh-so-relatable example of the morning alarm snooze button, she'll walk you through all the elements of each step. Get ready to grow your virtue game.

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—This series. Listen to the rest of this series and share it with friends here.
—Show notes: Get all the scriptures, quotes, resources, episodes, and links mentioned in this episode here >>

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Monday, August 16, 2021

Clumsy Theosis - Justice and the Gift of Piety

Justice. Is it about punishment or vengeance? Many would say "yes." Jesus and the Church say "no." Mystic and saint, Bridget of Sweden said, "the source of justice is not vengeance but charity." As in love! And she was right! Richaél Lucero looks at the work of St. Thomas Aquinas to clarify the misunderstood virtue of justice. To show that it is rooted in love and for human flourishing. Plus the gift of the Holy Spirit that helps us to live the virtue of justice, piety.

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—This series. Listen to the rest of this series and share it with friends here.
—Show notes: Get all the scriptures, quotes, resources, episodes, and links mentioned in this episode here >>