Monday, February 22, 2021

Clumsy Theosis - Moses, Idolatry, and Interior Slavery

Week five of our series on salvation history is here. And Moses is our man. I say Moses, you say? Ten Commandments. Ten plagues of Egypt. The golden calf. Parting of the Red Sea. Wandering in the wilderness for 40 years. What do all these pieces of his story have to do with the covenant God made through him? What was the covenant even about? Find out today with Richaél Lucero. Plus! Learn why the freed Hebrew slaves of Egypt weren't actually free. And how that damaged the covenant.

Throughout the series Richaél Lucero will examine one of the six key figures, the covenant they made with God and its meaning.

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—This Series. Listen to the rest of this series here.

—Scriptures referenced:
-Ex. 3-Burning bush.
-Ex 4:22-23-“Let my first-born son go to serve me.”
-Ex. 19:5-6-God’s promise to the Israelites. Making them a *royal priesthood.*
-Ex. 24-God reveals himself to the Israelites at Sinai.
-Ex. 24:8-First Sinai Covenant. “Behold the blood of the covenant which the Lord had made with you.”
-Ex 32-Golden calf.
-Ex. 33-Covenant restored after the golden calf. Called Second Siani covenant/ Levitical covenant.
-Lev. 1-16-Priestly code.
-Lev. 17- 27-Holiness code.
-Book of Numbers-Wander in the wilderness for 40 years to Promised Land.
-Book of Deuteronomy-Translates to “second law.” This is the Deuteronomic covenant.

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Sunday, February 14, 2021

Clumsy Theosis - Abraham: The Promise of a Great Nation, Great Name, and Worldwide Blessing

Abraham is the man of the hour during week four of our series on salvation history. And there are a lot of moving parts to his story: Before he was Abraham he was Abram. He was called out into the wilderness by God. He's responsible for the practice of circumcision. He sent his illegitimate son away. And was asked by God to slay his only-begotten (legitimate) son as a sacrifice. Are all these events random or do they fit together, and how? Richaél Lucero connects the dots to show the bigger picture at work.


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—This Series. Listen to the rest of this series here.

—Scriptures referenced:
-70 nations of the earth/Noah’s descendants. Genesis 10.
-Tower of Babel—how the nations lost God’s favor. Genesis 11.
-How they got back God’s favor. Through a descendant of Shem, Abram. Genesis 12.
-Threefold promise to Abraham. Genesis 12: 1-3.
“Now the Lord said to Abram, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you. And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and him who curses you I will curse; and by you all the families of the earth shall bless themselves.”
-First covenant with Abram—a great nation. Genesis 15 ritual called “covenant between the pieces.”
-Second covenant. Name changed from Abram to Abraham. Circumcision. Genesis 17.
-John 3:16. For God so loved the world, he gave his only-begotten Son.
-Third covenant. Binding of Isaac. The Calvary of the Old Testament. Genesis 22.

Monday, February 1, 2021

Clumsy Theosis - Noah, Covenants vs. Contracts, and a God of Second Chances

We're on week three of the series on salvation history. This week's Old Testament figure, Noah. And there's more to his story than a cute children's tale. It's a story that puts the rumors of a mean, angry, and eager to smite God to bed. Through Noah, God redeems and renews the covenant Adam broken. Listen as Richaél Lucero reveals the details. And! how that reflects on your relationship with God. Plus we do a deep dive into the difference between covenants and contracts.

Throughout the series Richaél Lucero will examine one of the six key figures, the covenant they made with God and its meaning.

—DONATE! Monthly or one-time:
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—Episodes Referenced:
-The Bible, Salvation History, Adam, and Being a Child of God (Part 1)
-[About Adam as Priest, Prophet, and Bridegroom.] The Bible, Salvation History, Adam, and Being a Child of God (Part 2)

—Definitions referenced:
-Definition of a covenant. A sacred bond between two parties that makes them family by means of swearing an oath. That comes with conditions and a (self) curse if broken.

—Scriptures Referenced:
-God’s Promise to Noah. Gn 8:21-22 “I will never again curse the ground because of man, although the imagination of man’s heart is evil from his youth; neither will I ever again destroy every living creature as I have done. While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.”

-God’s Covenant with Noah. Genesis 9
