Friday, May 17, 2019

Clumsy Theosis - Dogma and Doctrine: What’s the Big Deal?

As Catholics we hear the terms dogma and doctrine, but how many of us are aware of the significant role they play in our spiritual life? Listen as Richaél explains difference between dogma, doctrine, and disciplines and the impact they have on your personal faith life.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Clumsy Theosis - Fatima: How Catholics Have Been Called to Bring Peace

Our Lady of Fatima’s message is one of peace for the world. As Catholics, we are charged to attain this peace and save souls. Listen to learn how to do this in your daily life.

Friday, May 3, 2019

Clumsy Theosis - The Wounds of Christ—Stages of the Spiritual Life

God the Father revealed three wounds of Christ to St. Catherine of Siena as stages of the spiritual life that will help us reach heaven. Listen to learn which three wounds and how each relates to the spiritual life.