Monday, August 24, 2020

Clumsy Theosis - So, Your Body’s a Temple. What Does That Even Mean?

 How many times have you heard *your body is a temple*? Of all things to be compared to, why a temple? Yes, it’s holy. But there's more to it than that. From the Garden of Eden to a heavenly dwelling—Richaél Lucero identifies the prolific symbolism of the Jerusalem Temple. Listen now and you'll finish this episode with an exciting perspective of who God created you to be. Think: worship, sacrifice, unfathomable beauty, and endless Friendship with God.

Show notes:
—DONATE! Become a patron. You’ll received exclusive merchandise and resources:

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—Episodes referenced:
-Let Your Heart Be an Altar…art-be-an-altar/

—Related episodes:
-What Does the Temple Have to Do with Me?…e-to-do-with-me/

—Scriptures referenced:
-Do you not know your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit? 1 Cor 6:19
-Ezekiel’s heavenly vision of the Temple can be found in Ezekiel 41 and following.
-The decor and furnishings of the Temple can be found in 1 Kings 6.

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