Friday, July 3, 2020

Clumsy Theosis - Are You an Intentional Disciple?

What makes someone a disciple? Are you a disciple because you're Catholic? Or because you go to Mass? Or because you’re involved in your parish? No. Becoming a disciple is an intentional choice to follow Jesus. Richaél Lucero points out following Jesus is not a state of mind. An intentional disciple follows Jesus by mimicking what he did during his life. What exactly does that entail? Listen in to learn.

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—Scriptures referenced:The Acts of Apostles-For inspiration from the disciples of Christ. You will find a string of the miraculous healings and casting out of demons done in Jesus' name. 
—Quotes referenced: “The Lord wills that his disciples possess a tremendous power: that his lowly servants accomplish in his name all that he did when he was on earth.”-St. Ambrose (also referenced in CCC 983)

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